Configuring a 2018 MBP 15" i9
How to not burn your thighs and other bits of config
August 08, 2018
Check out:
Go get the update for the i9 throttling issue ( )
- configure inverse scroll
- configure tap to click
- make sure right click with "tap"
- remove unnecessary apps from dock -- pages, keynote, launchpad, iTunes, FaceTime, iBook, photos, contacts
- move dock to top left and make smaller
- Enable firewall in system preferences
- install win10 bootcamp, reboot
- install vmware fusion (now supports metal) -- need to get keys paid for
- xcode-select --install
- install home-brew to ~/homebrew
- install slack with cask
- install ms office with cask
- cask install google-chrome
- cask install 1password
- cask install dropbox
- cask install arq
- cask install iterm2-beta
- cask install microsoft-office
- cask install zsh
- sync zsh history between nodes install additional packages via above list...
- Brew bundle allows you to import the following to automate all of this:
tap "homebrew/boneyard" tap "homebrew/bundle" tap "homebrew/cask" tap "homebrew/cask-fonts" tap "homebrew/cask-versions" tap "homebrew/core" brew "git" brew "gradle" brew "hg-flow" brew "ical-buddy" brew "locateme" brew "mas" brew "maven" brew "node" brew "python" brew "ripgrep" brew "the_silver_searcher" brew "thefuck" brew "tmux" brew "vim", args: ["with-luajit"] cask "1password" cask "alfred" cask "arq" cask "daisydisk" cask "dropbox" cask "evernote" cask "font-firacode-nerd-font" cask "font-hack-nerd-font" cask "fork" cask "gfxcardstatus" cask "google-chrome" cask "intellij-idea" cask "iterm2-beta" cask "microsoft-office" cask "slack-beta" cask "spotify" cask "tortoisehg" cask "tunnelblick" cask "wireshark" mas "GarageBand", id: 682658836 mas "HyperDock", id: 449830122 mas "iMovie", id: 408981434 mas "JSON Helper", id: 453114608 mas "Keynote", id: 409183694 mas "Location Helper", id: 488536386 mas "Numbers", id: 409203825 mas "Pages", id: 409201541 mas "Skitch", id: 425955336 mas "Wunderlist", id: 410628904
- install jabba for jdk installation and management
- install synergy for linking with other platforms you are working with.